Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Fight...for Your Right...To the First Ammendment!!

Sometimes free speech is abused, but this wasn't the case...

As the Detroit Lions continued their freefall into the depths of failure, the management of the Lions showed how they felt about free speech. In a move with the likeness of facism, a fan named Duncan DeBruin was TACKLED because he held a sign that advocated the termination of Lion's GM Matt Millen. Millen viewed the sign as DeBruin was chased around the fan section (that was half empty) because the jumbotron managers decided to put him on the screen. The Lions had previously fired head coach Mariuci for the lack of performance, but, as I have advocated on this site, most fans and sports writers place the blame on Millen for the performance of the Lions.

As a fan of the game and Seahawks season ticket holder, this is very disconcerting. By purchasing a ticket, most fans are entitled to two hours devoted to drinking and yelling various things towards the other team, and on many occassions, towards the home team for their lack of production. I take pride in this as a fan, as much as I like the Hawks, I disagree with mike Holmgren often and would like to tell him how I feel, whether he can here me or not. Unlike most fans, I keep it clean, no obcentities or phalic gestures, but for those who want to comment about another player's mother and their date the previous night, go ahead, I don't agree with your usage, but it's free speech.

The actions of DeBruin wouldn't have been found to be offensive to a reasonable person (the most important factor in establishing the tort of defamatory comments) and therefore should be protected from offensive contact from security personell. He was not using explecatives, or making harmful contact with other fans. He merely exercised his opinion of the Lions and their stadium that his tax dollars pay for, and for that, we was harmed and removed.

Well Millen, I hope you're happy, not only were you not popular before, but you have now alienated many fans in Detroit and across the nation. The only great accomplishment you've achieved this season is that you cosumed more hotdogs at the game than Kobayashi can in two minutes. I now hope that you are fired, not for the lack of play on the field, but for this gross infringements on the rights of men. I attempted to email DeBruin to offer my legal services, but I then realized I really don't know much after my Torts final examination today.

In other news:
Ricky Henderson, one of the greatest athletes in baseball history (behind Bo Jackson) anounced today that he has officially retired from the game. This was shocking to me because I thought he was dead.

Robert Swift played his first minutes of the 2005 Sonics season this evening against the New York Knicks. In other news, all the members of his eigth grade class were in attendance to cheer for their 14 year old companion. In his first minute of action, Jerome James dunked on him and shot a baseline jumper in his eye, and then Swift bricked a wide open dunk. I'm soooooo glad we drafted him.

Brian Westbrook is out for the year with a busted up ankle. It now looks as if the Eagles are completly screwed for the rest of the season. Hopefully we can get a good look at Ryan Moats, 2005 third round draft pick, whom I picked up for my fantasy football team so my biddy Halfrack couldn't get him to back up his player Westbrook. Hey Halfrack, neener neener neener!!!

Is it me or is Rachael Ray kind of hot?

I heard a Tool song "Schism" on the road today, Tool is awesome, I just thought I'd share that.

Till Tomorrow, Go DAWGS!!!



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