Playoffs Over/Under Bananza!!

I really dislike the east coast right now...
There has been more media coverage about how Peyton Manning (aka Chokerus Maximus) and Tom Brady (Prettius Lamus) are out of the playoffs than the two great NFC playoff teams that are left. Of course, it's warranted because we are inferior to the east coast markets because Carolina and Seattle are considered "small market" NFL teams. To that I say, "weak sauce" because the Panthers and the Seahawks are the two best teams left in the playoffs. The eye candy of the east coast, the Patriots and the Colts are out because they were beaten plain and simple. It wasn't because of bad calls (those went against the winning team, the Steelers), or lucky plays (wasn't that 102 yd interception return Brady's bad throw?). I'm tired of this crap, but it seems to continue.
This jerk off continues the Seattle bashing in an ignorant fashion. It's not like he's using the numbers to make his argument about ranking the final four quarterbacks, rather, he based it on ONE play by Hasselbeck. He conviently failed to mention that MVP Shaun Alexander went out in the first quarter and Hasselbeck carried the team for the remaining three quarters. He also forgot to mention the play on third and long in the third quarter to Jerivicious down the left sideline where Hasselbeck directed Joe to make a move away from the defender. What about the two clutch runs where Hasselbeck ran for a first down and a later one for a touchdown? What about how he had a higher QB rating the entire season than the four players ranked ahead of him? It's crap, this kid is a moron and I hope Hasselbeck makes him eat his ignorance.
With that said, it's over under time for the playoffs. Vegas will take bets on a variety of things, and the NFL playoffs are no exception. Here are the latest Vegas lines for things surrounding the Seahawks/Panthers match up:
.5 people that run out on the field during play
50 people that would do it if they were more drunk
25 domestic violence protestors in front of Qwest protesting Holmgren’s decision to let Locklear play
0 Seahawks fan that care
1 Fan that supports this solely because of the innocent until proven guilty principle (he should be getting everything that he has coming to him if he committed the crime)
1 replay of Julius Pepper's take-away TD run from last season
3 replays of Walter Jonepan-cakingng Peppers
40,000 drunk people aQwestst
5 people in Section 316 that get thrown out for puking and/or fighting
25 ESPN analysts that pick Carolina to win
1 ESPN analysts that pick Seattle to win (Michael Clayton)
4 mentions that Shaun Alexander chokes in the playoffs
2 mentions that he is the MVP
6 mentions that Tom Brady and/or Peyton Manning are out of the playoffs
.5 mentions that Hasselbeck had better passer ratings than both
2 highlights of Zorn to Largeant from the 1985 AFC Championship game
0 highlights of the Rick Mirer to Benny Blades connection
4 criticisms by commentators that the Hawks should not have let Ken Lucas leave
0 mentions that Trufant is a better corner
5 mentions that it rains in Seattle
0 that Seattle is the best city to live in the country
2 graphics displaying all the coaches that are now head coaches that worked for Bill Belichek
1 graphic that nobody cares
4 times in the broadcast that Alexander is a FA at the end of the season
0 analysts that realize signing LG Hutchinson is more important than signing Alexander
25 times in the game Mack Strong lays a perfect block for Alexander or Hasselbeck
0 mentions that he has been robbed of the Pro Bowl every year except for this season
6 mentions on how great Lofa Taputu has played this season
0 mentions about how every analyst criticized this selection on draft day
Straight line: ESPN's campus in Bristol CN will implode and be covered in 50 feet of snow if the Seahawks win this weekend.
I have 5 hundo on the last straight up line
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